I help people spiritually connect through positivity and meditation to help live a more fulfilling life and find their path to spiritual enlightenment.

About Lola

I learned the hard way how negative thinking can hold you back. I grew up in a home with a lot of negativity and pessimistic thinking around me. A few years ago I discovered meditation and started reprogramming my subconscious mind.

free Guide

5 ways to connect to your higher self

Imagine you knew what your life purpose was and how to fully fill it. It's all possible when you connect with your higher self. 

Download my FREE guide for 5 Ways to Connect with your Higher Self & start on your journey today...

© Copyright Lola Wayne.  All Rights Reserved

Get your Free Guide!

Imagine you knew what your life purpose was and how to fully fill it. It's all possible when you connect with your higher self. 

Download my FREE guide for 5 Ways to Connect with your Higher Self & start on your journey today...

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